The 2017 winter issue of CJI’s Mission News is now available and may be downloaded in PDF format here.
The theme of this issue is “Looking forward, looking back” and it features the reflections of some of CJI’s partners in the Global South. The cover article by Teddy Akolonge is about working with refugees in urban Africa. Other articles feature the rewards of working in organic agriculture in Zambia and the fulfillment of working with proficiency and compassion on behalf of disadvantaged communities in Cambodia.
Also in this issue, there is a short reflection by Fr Peter Bisson, Provincial Superior of the Jesuits in English Canada, on the recent 36th General Congregation of the Jesuits and its implications for CJI. It is followed by an interview by Anne-Marie Jackson, Director of the Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice, with CJI’s own Director, Jenny Cafiso, who just returned from sabbatical. Jenny shares her insights on where CJI has come from and both the continuity and change it may expect.
As usual, readers can also catch up on CJI’s news. This includes an account of the visit to Canada of CJI’s partner Fr Endashaw Debrework SJ, who serves as the Regional Director of Jesuit Refugee Service in Eastern Africa.
The editorial in this issue underscores the importance of CJI’s international social justice work. It was written by Madeline Lunney, who served as CJI’s Interim Director for the past six months. CJI is very grateful to Madeline for all her work and for leading the team so well during this time.
We hope you enjoy the issue and are encouraged by the reflections our partners and colleagues. If you would like to support the work of CJI highlighted in this issue, please
Thank you and Happy New Year!