The prophet Isaiah tells us that the coming Messiah will be known by his “justice and righteousness.” This is the basis of the “endless peace” brought by the Christ child at Christmas.
Please join Canadian Jesuits International this Advent by making “justice and righteousness” your theme for Christmas 2018.
See/download a copy of CJI’s Christmas Appeal folder.
For a Christmas “with justice and with righteousness” we are focusing on one project for each of the four Sundays of Advent:
1. First Sunday of Advent
Caring for our common home in the Amazon region
2. Second Sunday of Advent
Backing the work of Lok Manch (People’s Forum) in India
3. Third Sunday of Advent
Being in solidarity with displaced people in South Sudan
4. Fourth Sunday of Advent
Supporting displaced families in Damascus, Syria
In her Christmas Appeal letter, CJI director Jenny Cafiso writes:
“Canadian Jesuits International brings me into daily contact with people … who act with justice and righteousness and who believe it is possible to build ‘endless peace.’ Some risk their lives as they fight for what most of us consider basic rights: water, food, land, education.”
Let us walk with those who seek these basic rights and join with them as we able.
To support one or more of the projects in our Christmas Appeal, please
(Choose “Greatest Need” or a specific project, and write “2018 Christmas Appeal” in the message box.) Thank you!

Lok Manch demonstration in India for the right to food under the National Food Security Act. (Photo: Lok Manch)