CJI’s 2019 spring & summer newsletter explores an economy of the common good and what it could mean for people in developing countries. It is available in PDF format here:
Mission News, vol. 54, no. 1
In the cover article, Fr Charles Chilufya SJ shows how tax justice can provide badly needed revenue for health, education and social services in the countries of Africa. He examines problems of illicit financial flows and how international economic and financial systems enable wealthy individuals and multinational corporations to externalize their wealth by shifting profits into low-tax and no-tax jurisdictions. The suffering of the poor could be greatly mitigated, he argues, by making national and international tax systems fair and transparent. Continuing with the status quo is not a moral option, for it perpetuates violations of human rights.
The second article focuses on on a pan-African Jesuit project that seeks to develop a “spiritually and emotionally intelligent” kind of leadership among African university students. As the future business, government and civil society leaders, these young people have a major role to play in creating an economy of the common good. CJI supports this project.
Fr Agbonkhianmeghe Orobator SJ, President of the Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar, draws attention in the third article to the harsh effects of climate change on poor people. He notes that we have a duty to care for our common home so that all people may enjoy the benefits that replacing an “ecology of violence” with an “ecology of gratitude” will yield.
Other highlights in the issue include Jenny Cafiso’s editorial on systemic justice for the common good as well as reports on our Bridging Borders campaign, Fr Chilufya’s visit to Toronto, and a recent Youth 4 Others Social Justice Day.
We hope you enjoy the issue! Thank you for your support.
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