“...so we too might walk in newness of life.”

– Romans 6:4 (Easter Vigil)

Dear Friends,

Easter is an invitation to each of us to “walk in newness of life.” This will mean something different for each of us, but we know that it is a call for personal and societal conversion: to question that which is familiar, to see things with new eyes and to have the courage to change the way we live and the world around us.

In this cacophony of voices that surrounds us, it is not easy to discern what this conversion should look like and how to walk in newness of life. Let us look to Jesus to show us the way. Jesus’s first Easter morning appearance was to women, even though He knew they would not be believed.

Mamta, Pramoda, Pampah and Suku make cotton masks which are sold in Darjeeling, India to fight COVID-19. Photo: Shreya Sharon.

This was in keeping with His public life when He consistently chose to reveal Himself to those who were ignored and marginalized by others.

Who is being ignored and marginalized today? How do they show us to walk in newness of life we are called to?

Pascuala Vásquez is one of the leaders of the Indigenous Community of Chilón in Chiapas, Mexico. Like other Indigenous women, she has to fight for her right to a safe and dignified life for herself and her family and against gender-based violence within and beyond her community. Despite facing opposition, she has chosen to walk a new path. With the support of CJI’s partner, AC Indigenous Rights Centre (CEDIAC) of the Jesuit Mission of Bachajón, Pascuala and other Indigenous leaders in Chiapas work for the recognition of their culture and respect of their dignity. She is walking in newness of life.

Prerna Tamang is a Community Development Worker at Hayden Hall, an apostolate founded by a Canadian Jesuit in Darjeeling, India. She leads the way to a new life for vulnerable women. She works with poor daily wage labourers from the tea gardens, some of whom are victims of domestic violence. Prerna, together with the team at Hayden Hall, helps women know their rights and also helps them gain financial independence for themselves and their families through education, skills training and income generation projects. She is walking in newness of life.

Pascuala and Prena have welcomed the invitation to walk in newness of life by choosing to hear the voices of those who have been made voiceless and to walk with them to build a future where all things are new. Will we? Are we ready to hear the voices of those who have been made voiceless in our own midst and in the world as a whole? In a world marked by global inequality and poverty, are we ready to bring about a new way of living with one another? Are we ready to walk a new path, one made of solidarity, generosity, justice and love for our brothers and sisters?

Saint Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, invites us in our reflection on the Resurrection to share in the office of consoler, to love and be with those in need.

This Easter we invite you to be a consoler, to support our Jesuit partners in Africa, Asia and Latin America, to walk with them toward a new life.

With gratitude for your generosity, my wish for you is that this Easter, you may walk in newness of life.

Jenny Cafiso
Executive Director


To make an online donation, please fill-out the form below or call us at 416-465-1824 | 1-800-448-2148. If you would prefer to send a donation via cheque, please click here

Banner photo: Community prayer at Teltal de Wololchan, Chiapas, Mexico. Credit: Enrique Carrasco SJ.


Hayden Hall - India

Dhanlachi makes wool balls used by backstrap weavers to make fabric for bags, mats, and clothes which are sold in Darjeeling, India. Photo: Shreya Sharon.

Hayden Hall in Darjeeling, India helps marginalized people, especially poor women, some of whom are victims of domestic abuse, break free from the cycle of poverty. Through programs in education and skills training, healthcare and livelihood support, they offer hope and an opportunity for a new and transformed life to the people they serve. Hayden Hall’s philosophy is simple but effective: help women help themselves and there will be a positive effect on their children and families.



AC Indigenous Rights Centre (CEDIAC) - Mexico

Tseltal women in Chiapas, Mexico, participate in community prayer. Photo: Enrique Carrasco SJ.

CEDIAC in Chiapas, Mexico addresses the continued violation of the rights of Indigenous communities. All levels of government in the country continue to ignore the political, economic, social and cultural rights of Indigenous people, includingtheir right to self-determination. CEDIAC supports Indigenous women and their peace building efforts which use a conflict resolution system rooted in their own culture. This project strengthens the capacity of local communities to use this system as they exercise their right to self-determination and governance.

You can help transform the lives of poor and marginalized people, especially vulnerable women, in the Global South. Please support CJI’s Jesuit partners in Africa, Asia and Latin America with a generous gift.

Thank you!

Become a monthly donor and help CJI receive $1,000!

A long-time CJI supporter recognizes the importance of monthly donors to sustain the work of our Jesuit partners in the Global South. She generously pledged to donate $1,000 for every new monthly donor who responds to this appeal – up to a maximum of $6,000. We will raise $6,000 more if 6 new monthly donors sign up. Will you be one of them?

Call us now at 416-465-1824 or 1-800-448-2148 (Toll Free, Canada and USA);

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