Anne Marie Hili
Anne Marie Hili of Bolton, Ont. came to Canada from Scotland as a young woman, travelled to India, was blessed by Mother Teresa in Calcutta and visited Jesuit missions throughout India. “The Jesuits changed my life when I came to Canada,” said Anne Marie. “They brought Christ into my life; I owe much to them. My faith became even stronger when I went to India and I saw the lives of the poorest of the poor, those without food and shelter.”
Her visit to India affected her deeply, said Anne Marie. “It was life-changing to see the vital difference the Jesuits made, and the opportunities they offered to improve people’s lives.”
Since those spiritual journeys, Anne Marie has generously donated to Canadian Jesuits International (CJI) to support the work of our Jesuit partners. Contributions from Canadian donors help sustain the work of the Jesuits overseas. Thanks to those contributions, our Jesuit partners run health centres, provide access to education, train nurses, offer training on organic farming and defend human rights. Today, in addition to those efforts, our partners continue to develop meaningful ways to help marginalized people in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
That continuity and commitment is important to Anne Marie. In addition to making donations, she has thoughtfully named CJI as a beneficiary in her will. You too can arrange a future gift. Once your family commitments are made, assigning a percentage of the value of your assets or a specific amount in your will to CJI can provide your estate with a tax receipt and help ensure the work of the Jesuits continues for decades to come. If you are in a position to do so, please help. For assistance, or information about tax benefits, contact or call 1-800- 448-2148.