Comparte network meeting participants at the Instituto Mayor Campesino IMCA in Buga, Colombia. Photo: N Salazar & LF Gómez.

The Comparte network held a regional meeting last July 5-11 at the Instituto Mayor Campesino IMCA in Buga, Colombia. More than 60 people from Jesuit social centres, the Jesuit Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean (CPAL), grassroots producers and support organizations attended the event. Jenny Cafiso, Executive Director, and Juan Emilio Hernandez, International Programs Coordinator, participated on behalf of CJI.

The participants reaffirmed their commitment to collaborate with one another as well as to promote alternative models of economic development, just production and commercialization and ecological justice. They also visited several communities of producers to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and share their methodologies and tools. Comparte works to standardize processes, ensure accountability and establish certification that is internationally recognized and guarantees the high quality of Comparte’s products and services.

For more information about Comparte, please visit: