Make me to know your ways, O Lord;
teach me your paths.
Lead me in your truth, and teach me,
for you are the God of my salvation;
for you I wait all day long.
Psalm 25: 4-5
Read original version in Spanish
By Fr Franz Berajano SJ
We begin the season of Lent with the celebration of Ash Wednesday, when the Church invites us to a journey of conversion and reflection of our personal and communal lives. The readings of this First Sunday of Lent invite us to fix our gaze on mercy, trusting in the God of Life who accompanies our pilgrimage in this time of grace.
Psalm 25 introduces us to the trust of believers who begin their pilgrimage knowing that God will not abandon them. It brings to mind the daily experience of many of our brothers and sisters, who live their life and faith trusting in our God who never abandons us, as the only refuge in their lives.
For many poor people living in rural areas and on the margins of the big cities of Latin America, the only possession they have is their own life and they owe it to the infinite mercy of God who is present in every event of their existence. Each day is one more step towards an encounter with God. But it does not come from a place of passive resignation, but from that firm conviction that God shows the way of Truth and Life.
Many say that “we have not bought our life,” because it is something that we owe to the Creator. For this reason, we seek his gaze, we ask him for light so that our life may have meaning, and that we live it with true dignity as children of God. God takes care of his creatures at every moment and invites us to contribute to this work through acts of mercy and solidarity with those who are in need.
The God of Life is manifested and renewed in all those who give hope and can sacrifice a little of themselves for those whom God favours (“In you I hope night and day”), and these acts of love are the merciful face of God manifested in the love and mercy of his children who give a part of themselves to bring joy to those who are in need.
By renewing our trust in the God of Love and Mercy, we commit ourselves to be instruments of his grace. Yearning for the God of Life, we begin this pilgrimage in solidarity with those who are favoured by God, and who show us the face of God.
What is the Lord teaching me in today’s reading?
Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Let us remember in our prayers the Jesuits of Eastern Africa Province, whose project, Sowing Seeds of Transformation, aims to help rebuilding efforts in South Sudan. With support from CJI and other members of the Xavier Network, the project gives priority to education, with emphasis on girls’ education, because of the huge needs and its crucial role in social transformation and opening our eyes. AOR has been running a secondary school, a teacher training college, and an agricultural institute since 2018, along with other programs that focus on vocational training, peace building, and advocacy.
ABOVE: Students at Mazzolari Teacher Training College, operated by the Jesuits of Eastern Africa Province, equips high school graduates with skills that will enable them to provide much-needed quality instruction to primary school students. Photo: MTTC/AOR