Canadian Jesuits International is the international solidarity agency of the Jesuits of Canada that supports poor and marginalized people in Africa, Asia and Latin America in their struggle for a more just society through the work of Jesuits and other partners. We also carry out education and advocacy in Canada on international social justice and global solidarity.
All online donations are processed through CanadaHelps
Banner photo: Primary schoolchildren from E.P. Ndwenga, school run by Fe y Alegria in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a partner of Canadian Jesuits International. Credit: Fe y Alegria
Bridging Borders

On the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, 11 February 2025, Canadian Jesuits International (CJI) reaffirms its commitment to ensuring that girls have access to quality and safe education as a human right.CJI supports the work of the Jesuits of the Province of Eastern Africa in South Sudan, which runs a secondary school, a teacher training college and an agricultural institute where women and girls are especially encouraged to stay in school and pursue opportunities in all fields, including science.South Sudan has the lowest literacy rate in sub-Saharan Africa (27%), and girls suffer the most. More than 70% of the population over the age of 15 is illiterate, the majority of them women, according to UNESCO.Worldwide, there has been “tremendous progress” towards increasing the participation of women in higher education, according to UNESCO. However, “a significant gender gap has persisted through the years at all levels of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines all over the world.”This year's celebration has added resonance: 2025 marks the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, and the 10th anniversary of the International Day for Women and Girls in Science.In a climate where women's rights and freedoms are being eroded, we must redouble our efforts to ensure gender equality so that we can build a better future for all.
3 days ago

Tensions may arise between forcibly displaced persons and their host communities. Refugees and migrants often struggle to adapt to their new surroundings and may face discrimination and even violence. Host communities may view them as competition for resources and assistance.Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Colombia, a partner of Jesuits International Canada, helps to address these issues through programs that promote integration and social cohesion.
In the Barrancabermeja and Magdalena Medio regions, JRS runs community initiatives, including workshops on healing, peace, reconciliation and hospitality. It conducts
leadership training, livelihood programmes and humanitarian aid. It provides psychosocial support and opportunities for sharing experiences.Learn more, including how you can support JRS Colombia: Click link in bio to visit our website and go to Programs.#JRS #Jesuits #Canada #Colombia #peace #reconciliation #socialjustice #refugees
5 days ago

On the World Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking, Canadian Jesuits International (CJI) highlights the work of its Jesuit partners in Africa, Asia and Latin America who are working to prevent trafficking in persons.Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) provides education and safe spaces for children, especially in conflict zones such as Sudan, Syria, Lebanon and Ukraine. Children in conflict areas are vulnerable to trafficking, forced labor, early and forced marriage, illegal adoption and even recruitment into armed groups.In Syria, JRS provides learning opportunities for 2,500 vulnerable children who are out of school. The program helps improve the psychosocial well-being of these children through safe spaces and specialized child protection activities.According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, one in three victims of human trafficking is a child, and most are girls.Pope Francis has called human trafficking "one of the most terrible scourges of our time," saying it robs people of their dignity even as it brings "great profits to people without moral scruples." He said trafficking is often exacerbated by wars and conflicts, the effects of climate change, and socio-economic disparities.Learn more about our projects and how you can support them: Click link in bio to visit our website#Jesuits #PopeFrancis #HumanTraffickingAwareness
1 week ago

Canadian Jesuits International (CJI) is receiving donations for the work of two Jesuit partners who have been affected by the U.S. government’s unprecedented freeze on foreign aid spending on January 24, 2025.At least nine critical, life-saving and life-sustaining projects run by Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) affecting more than 100,000 forcibly displaced people in nine countries have been disrupted as a result of the decision. Fe y Alegria, which supports school feeding programs and provides psychosocial support in five countries, has also been affected.“Chad, Colombia, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Honduras, India, Iraq, Paraguay, South Africa, South Sudan, Thailand, and Uganda are the countries where we have been forced to suspend essential activities. The impact has been devastating,” said a joint appeal letter by JRS and Fe y Alegria.“How can we explain to a distressed mother in South Sudan that we can no longer provide psychological support in the midst of a war? How can we halt school meal programs in Paraguayan schools? How can we justify suspending a training program for young refugees in Uganda just months before their graduation? How can we accept the closure of our schools in El Salvador and Chad, sending children back home?”Please help the poor and marginalized who have been affected by this decision. Donate now: Click link in bio, A Call for Humanity#Jesuits #Canada #JRS #FeyAlegria
1 week ago

The world seems to be in chaos, with wars, conflicts, growing inequalities and disasters.Where is God in this chaos? What are we called to do as God's people?As Lent approaches, we invite you to join us on a journey of faith, justice and hope.Sign up now for our weekly online Lenten series, In Our Midst, featuring reflections written by Jesuits in Canada and around the world: click llink in bio (In Our Midst sign up form)#Lent2025 #Jesuits #Canada #inourmidst#Lent2025 #Jesuits
1 week ago

A plan to facilitate access to secondary education and improve facilities in schools affected by the conflict in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), are among the new projects recently approved by the Board of Directors of Canadian Jesuits International (CJI).The Board, which met on January 25, approved 12 projects submitted by CJI Jesuit partners, in Africa, Asia and Latin America, with a total budget of $663,926, and an average grant size of $51,071.The school project, to be managed by Jesuit Refugee Service DRC and West Africa, will include building two new classrooms and equipping them with supplies, and the construction of latrines that meet international and national standards.Read more: Click link in bio to visit the website, click News.#Jesuits #DRC #Canada #Goma #education #socialjustice #dogood
1 week ago

See the impact of your donations, by the numbers#Jesuit #socialjustice #dogood #ngo #canadian #bythenumbers
2 weeks ago

Catholic Social Teaching (CST) is central to the Catholic faith and finds common ground with people of goodwill all around the world. It offers a way of being in the world that reflects God’s covenant of love and justice for all humanity.It is rooted in the teaching of Jesus who identified himself with the “least of these,” the stranger, the hungry, the poor and oppressed.Catholic Social Teachings and the Jesuit Universal Apostolic Preferences underpin the work of CJI and its Jesuit partners in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Learn more: See website link in bio and click "Outreach."#Jesuit #love #justice #humanity #servethepoor
2 weeks ago

In a world where violence and inequality force so many to leave their homes, migration stories are more than just displacement: they are tales of survival, resistance and struggle.Learn more about how our Jesuit partners accompany migrants and refugees at the stages of origin, transit, destination and return: click link in bio to visit our website where you can read and download a PDF of our Annual Report.#migrants #refugees #Jesuits #socialjusticePhoto by JRS South Sudan
2 weeks ago