A legacy of love and service - Planned Giving
Canadian Jesuits International (CJI) stands in solidarity with men, women, children and communities around the world. From Zambia to Colombia to India to Syria, we support people to improve their quality of life and fulfill their dreams for a better future for themselves and their families.
Your legacy gift will provide vital, stable support to the work of our Jesuit partners seeking justice and dignity for marginalized and underserved people in the Global South.
What is a legacy gift?
A legacy gift is an expression of love for those you leave behind; your family, your friends, and the charities you believe in and want to continue to support. Legacy giving can also be a way to make a major gift to a charity for those unable to donate during their lifetime.
Naming Canadian Jesuits International in your will is a wonderful way to make a lasting gift. A bequest or other planned gifts to CJI could present tax benefits.
Bequest in your will
A bequest is a gift made at the time of your death through a provision in your will or estate plan. You can modify or revoke provisions in your will or estate plan at any time.
Below are some examples of various forms of bequests with appropriate wording:
- A general bequest designates a certain dollar amount of property, usually cash. For example: “I give to CJI the sum of $10,000 to be used for the work of Canadian Jesuits International.”
- A specific bequest directs a specific piece of property to Canadian Jesuits International. For example: “I give to CJI 500 shares of XYZ stock ...”
- A residual bequest designates all or a portion of whatever remains of the estate after all debts, taxes, expenses or other bequests have been paid. For example: “I give to CJI fifty percent (50%) of the rest, residual and remainder of my estate ...”
- A contingent bequest takes effect under certain condition. For example: “In the event that my wife does not survive me I give to CJI the sum of ...”
Stocks and securities
Gifts of publicly traded stocks or securities are another way that you can make a charitable gift to CJI. For publicly traded stocks, you will not be required to report any capital gain and you will receive a tax receipt for the full market value of the stocks that you donate on the date they are received in CJI's account. This is the case if you transfer stocks during your lifetime and also if you include a donation of stocks in your will.
To donate stocks or other securities, please fill in # 3 and #4 on this Donation Form, sign it as the Grantor and scan it and email to cji@jesuits.ca, or send it to:
Canadian Jesuits International
70 Saint Mary Street
Toronto ON
Canada M5S 1J3
We will then sign as the Grantee and send it back to you so that you can forward it to your broker (delivering institution).
Gifts of insurance
You can make CJI the owner or beneficiary of a policy. By doing so, you will receive a tax receipt for the cash value of the policy as well as a receipt for the any future premiums paid. Another option is to gift the policy to CJI in your will through your estate. The estate receives a charitable tax receipt for the full amount of the death benefit. It is also possible to name multiple beneficiaries on a life insurance policy to include both family members and CJI.
Real and other property
Gifts of real property may also be donated. Real property is land and buildings. Other property may be any other personal property such as works of art, jewellery, paintings, etc. Donating property provides a simple means to provide a gift without first having to sell the property being donated.
You will receive a charitable tax receipt for the fair market value of the gift.