CJI stands in solidarity with our partners in the promotion of peace and the defence of human rights. Through advocacy, capacity building and the promotion of good governance, our partners address issues such as freedom of speech, access to basic rights, tax
justice, migration and Indigenous peoples’ rights.
Defence of human rights

Fr Melo speaking to the participants of the 50th Anniversary of the Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat.
(Photo: Mikołaj Cempla for SJES)
Radio Progreso-ERIC accompanies the people of Honduras, defends their human rights, and promotes economic, social and political alternatives which benefit marginalized communities.
This project builds the capacity of the media, and of environmental, women’s and Indigenous organizations in order to bring about social change in a context of widespread poverty, inequality and corruption. Through field visits, workshops and skills training, it promotes dialogue and strengthens democracy.
Director: Fr Ismael “Melo” Moreno Coto SJ. Website: radioprogresohn.net
• INDIA – Lok Manch
Access to basic rights
• MEXICO – A.C. Indigenous Rights Centre
Conflict resolution according to the Tseltal Normative System
• AFRICA – Justice and Ecology Network Africa (JENA)
Intercultural and bilingual education