On Tuesday, February 23rd, Queen of Angels school participated in a webinar, "Celebrating and Nurturing Relationships", hosted by Canadian Jesuits International. Fr. Julius, the director of Jesu Ashram in India, invited our school and St. Boniface Catholic school in Zurich, Ontario to learn more about this health care facility, serving the poorest of the poor in northeastern India.

During the forty-minute webinar, we learned a bit more about each other, sharing a wonderful exchange about each of our unique cultures and geography. Fr. Julius conducted a tour of Jesu Ashram and thanked our schools for our continued support and prayers. Our faith community sends money raised from our annual church and school Plant and Harvest Sale to help Jesu Ashram with medical costs.

Here are some reflections from our staff and students about the shared experience:

Our Grade Five class with teacher, Erin Ewer, shared:
Our students learned about the wonderful things that Fr. Julius Kujur has done in the name of the Lord. Through the presentation they traveled across the world to India and got to see Jesu Ashram. The students got to hear about the individuals who have devoted their lives to helping others, especially those cast out by society because of their illnesses. Fr. Julius Kujur, like Jesus, works to help those with leprosy and other illnesses. The students had the opportunity to see how some individuals live Godly lives.

Our Grade Six class with teacher, Marie Lewis, shared:
Thank you so much for inviting my class of grade 6 students to take part in the webinar that took us to India to meet Father Julius and learn about the Jesu Ashram.

The students of 6L learned many things about the work Father Julius Kujur has done within the Jesu Ashram. The students were intrigued to learn about how the Ashram functions and what they do for the community. The class was shocked by the wealth divide that exists in India and how some are only making approximately three Canadian dollars a day. The Ashram’s service to those with Leprosy broke the myths students had been told about it, while educating them on what is happening. With this new knowledge they understood why the Ashram works for the people that society has shunned and the families that are also affected. The students liked how the children of those affected got to stay with their families and get an education. The children were amazed by how the Ashram only has two cows that can feed more than 300 people. Overall, the class loved to see what happens within the Ashram they raise money to help.

Our Grade One/Two class with teacher, Terry Maier, shared:
We did not realize that Jesu Ashram was so big.  Thank you for showing us around.  Thank you for all you do.

Our French Teacher, Madam Anderson, shared:
Dear Pieter, Father Julius and the team from Canadian Jesuits International,

I must admit that I was very skeptical of a zoom presentation about Jesu Ashram for our general student population here at Queen of Angels.  When Mrs. Pat Carter extended the invitation to attend, I wondered if our intermediate and primary students would be able to comprehend, let alone feel connected to this outreach mission half-way around the world.

I was so surprised!  Indeed, I think we were all blessed by this encounter!

Your presentation was interactive and fun.  We were able to be curious about the weather and time in India.  I loved the virtual "flight" around the globe to "land" right in the compound of Jesu Ashram.  And then, your work, its importance, and the solidarity you show in all you do at Jesu Ashram EVANGELIZED us!  I believe we will all remember the need we saw as we continue to fundraise for our brothers and sisters in your care.

Thank you for being the hands and feet of Christ these many years.

May God continue to bless you in all you do and are.

Finally, here is a reflection from two of our Grade Eight students, Aryan and Max: