The Jesuits have always played an important part in my life. In 1963, I graduated from Campion, a Jesuit high school in Regina. My brother, Joe, is a Jesuit priest who still teaches physics in St. John’s, Newfoundland at age 78!
From the time I started working, my wife Marilyn and I always took tithing seriously; half to our parish and the rest divided among pro-life ministries and third world missions. It was only natural for us to be interested in the Jesuit missions because my brother is a Jesuit. Every year, we donate to the Darjeeling, Nepal and the Calcutta missions, where Jesuit Father Lawrence Abello worked with Mother Theresa. Fr Abello was from Saskatchewan and his three brothers, one of whom is a diocesan priest, were all well known to me.
Although we have never been to any of the missions, our middle son, Matthew, went to Nepal after he was accepted into medical school and worked with the sick there, in collaboration with Canadian Jesuit Fr Robins.
The work of the missionaries has turned out to be a blessing for us in Canada, as there are now many priests from Africa, Asia and Latin America who are now coming to Canada to serve our needs. Our parish now has a priest from the Kerala province in India. We would like to think we are being rewarded for the help we gave to the missions in the past.
Tom Schuck, Weyburn, SK