Canadian Jesuits International supports Comparte, a network of the Jesuit Conference of Provincials in Latin America and the Caribbean (CPAL), which includes 16 different social justice organizations in 11 countries: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru and Spain.
Network members are committed to sharing resources and techniques for implementing alternative and supportive socio-economic models in their respective countries. They are united in the shared belief that the world can and should be changed so that everyone, especially the poor and marginalized, can enjoy the benefits of a just and sustainable economy.
Comparte (meaning "to share") actively promotes alternatives to dominant models of economic development that have devastating social and environmental impacts on local communities. Founded in 2011, it began by supporting local production of organic coffee, cacao, honey, and other products; providing resources and facilitating communication among social justice organizations; and fostering partnerships with Jesuit universities to collaborate on research and specialized training. Its goal is for these initiatives to achieve sustainable development - economic, social and environmental.
Their current goal is to reach more than 49,000 people, most of whom are women of African and Indigenous descent living in rural communities.
Coordinator: Erminsu Ivan David Pabon
Direct: Rural peasant families and Indigenous producers (80%) and marginalized people in urban areas (20%); 55% women, 45% men
Indirect: Local rural and urban communities; food companies
$851,366 CAD (2021-2023)
Please support the work of Comparte by making a donation:
Canadian Jesuits International
70 Saint Mary St
Toronto, ON
M5S 1J3
Tel: 416.465.1824
Toll Free (Canada and USA): 1.800.448.2148