Ukrainian refugees arrive in Galati, Romania. Photo: Entreculturas/Alboan/JRS

Based on information provided by Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) and Xavier Network
May 24, 2022

Since Russia invaded Ukraine on FEBRUARY 24, 2022:
·      An estimated10 million people have been displaced (70% within Ukraine and 30% to other countries)
·       2.5M people have fled to Poland
·       671K fled to Romania
·       413K fled to Hungary
·       7.1M people have been forcibly displaced within Ukraine


JRS Europe is coordinating a single, unified response from the Jesuits to the war in Ukraine. The strategy to respond to this crisis is centered on forcibly displaced people and on four approaches that are in keeping with the JRS mission to accompany, serve and defend them:


To ensure Ukrainian refugees are welcomed across Europe by attending to their needs and listening to their stories. Walking together, without prejudice and without fear.

Services provided at this stage:

  • Short-term Shelter
  • Emergency Aid Relief
  • Assistance and other services such as:
  • Food
  • Health
  • Transportation
  • Water
  • Sanitation & Hygiene
  • Child Protection
  • Psychosocial Support
  • Advocacy and Legal Assistance


Displacement often makes people more vulnerable to abuse and violence. JRS defends their rights  respecting their  freedom, and their dignity.

Services provided at this stage:

  • Long-term Shelter
  • Non-food-items
  • Emergency Aid Relief
  • Assistance and other services such:
  • Mental Health & Psychosocial Support
  • Health
  • Education
  • Legal assistance


The promotion of the integral human development of refugees is key to ensuring that the individual and social conditions for human development are in place

Services provided at this stage:

  • Education
  • Livelihood
  • Employment Assistance


Integration is a two-way process between refugees and the host community to ensure a more inclusive, and strong society.

Services provided at this stage:

  • Education
  • Livelihood
  • Employment Assistance
  • Awareness-Raising
  • Advocacy

JRS Staff help young Ukrainian refugees integrate into the local community through education in Galati, Romania. Photo: Entreculturas/Alboan/JRS.


FoundationPresent in the country since 2008
Staff8 people
VolunteersVolunteers from the local academic ministry and parish in Lviv and Khmelnitsky.
LocationLviv and Khmelnitsky
Forcibly displaced people served to date1,030
Beneficiaries projected9,500


FoundationPresent in the country since 1996
Volunteers50 active volunteers
Location6 cities: Somcuta Mare, Radauti, Galati, Timisoara, Giurgiu and Bucharest
Refugees served to date3,695
Beneficiaries Projected19,500


FoundationFebruary 2022
VolunteersOver 55
LocationKrakow, Warsaw, Gdynia and Nowy Sacz
Refugees served to date2,891
Beneficiaries Projected10,000


FoundationPresent in the country since 2015
Volunteers55 Active volunteers
LocationIntervention focus in Budapest
Refugees served to dateOver 400 people
Beneficiaries Projected2,000


Refugees served to date380
Beneficiaries Projected8,400


Refugees/FDP's served to date8,396
Beneficiaries Projected49,400


Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) is an international Catholic organization serving refugees and other forcibly displaced people. JRS’s mission is to accompany, serve, and advocate on behalf of refugees and other forcibly displaced persons, that they may heal, learn, and determine their own future. Founded as a work of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) in 1980, JRS today works in more than 57 countries worldwide to meet the educational, health, and social needs of more than one million refugees.

Canadian Jesuits International is receiving donations for the work of Jesuits and their lay partners in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries as they accompany people forcibly displaced by this war.

To make a donation:

Please send your cheques to:

Canadian Jesuits International
70 St Mary Street
Toronto, ON
M5S 1J3

or you can donate online: