A representative of an agroecological farm in Flor de Monte, Colombia, explains the positive impact of Comparte, a CJI partner that promotes an economy that prioritizes social good over profit. Photo: Comparte/CPAL

CJI is committed to ecological sustainability based on socio-environmental justice. Led by our Jesuit partners, CJI supports marginalized people in Asia, Africa and Latin America to promote the solidarity economy, care for our common home and, sustainable use of natural resources; to defend their traditional and ancestral lands; and to develop productive economic activities that enable people to live in dignity and achieve justice.

Caring for our common home is a priority shared among the Catholic Church and other faiths, environmental justice organizations, community groups, and people around the world. CJI’s vision is inspired by the integrity of creation, and our values include ecological sustainability as inseparable from social justice.

The preferential option for the poor and care for our common home are inseparable, as ecological degradation drastically affects the poorest more than others.  Extractive industries (e.g. mining, logging, hydroelectric dams) can cause environmental damage, including the poisoning of land and water, the destruction of natural habitats, and the displacement of people from their ancestral lands, with devastating effects on local communities and traditions.

CJI helps partners implement economic, livelihood and environmental programs that empower the poor and help them care for our common home. In Latin America, the Comparte network, which is present in 11 countries, promotes the solidarity economy that prioritizes justice and the environment over profit.  The Kasisi Agricultural Training Center in Zambia promotes agroecology and sustainable food production. Other CJI projects train young people in climate science and policy, leadership and advocacy, and green business strategies. Our partners also support advocacy efforts that inform local people about the need to protect their lands, livelihoods and ways of life, and mobilize them to challenge national and regional economic development agendas that destroy the environment.

Building resilience in women and girls (Africa)
Strengthening sustainable economic productive activities (Latin America & Caribbean)
Training in organic agriculture & livelihood programs (India)
Safeguarding territories from mining (Dominican Republic)
Care for our common home (Latin America & Caribbean)
Construction of washing house for organic vegetables (Zambia)
Climate justice youth fellowship program (Africa)
Pan-Amazonian Jesuit Apostolic Plan (Latin America & Caribbean)
Program development capacity-building for Jesuit Eastern Africa province



Total number of beneficiaries: 6,928