The fall education and advocacy campaign will focus on girls' education.

The Fall education and advocacy campaign of Canadian Jesuits International (CJI) will focus on girls’ education with the theme, Education: Her Right, Our Future.  

Education is a human right that continues to be denied to many people in the Global South, particularly girls. In the wake of COVID-19, girls’ enrollment in school has dropped significantly due to barriers such as poverty, early marriage, unsafe hygiene facilities, and domestic and childcare work.  

The right to education is central to human dignity and is a key factor for the success of all our futures. In the words of Sanju K.C., a young woman completing an internship at the Nepal Jesuit Social Centre, a CJI partner, “If we don't have an education, we are like blind people walking on the road... People think you should stop studying to get married. But it is my right to get an education.”  Girls’ education strengthens economies and reduces inequality, according to UNESCO.  It contributes to more stable, resilient societies that give all individuals – including boys and men – the opportunity to fulfil their potential.  

Universal quality education is goal #4 of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).  

Increased investment in girls’ education across all levels of governments, NGOs, churches, and communities is crucial. Girls’ education intersects with issues around sustainable development, the global climate emergency and growing humanitarian crises.  

Join us for public events CJI is hosting in Winnipeg, Ottawa, Toronto, Guelph, or online. As part of this campaign, CJI will also seek support for its projects that focus on girls’ education to help them build a better future. To view a list of these projects and to donate please visit our website, 

For more information on our campaign and to register for any of the speaking events: 


Our Guest Speaker 

Noluthando Honono is a postgraduate law student at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. She was a guest speaker at the Jesuit-sponsored Bakhita Partnership for Education (BPE) conference last May in Zambia. Launched by the Jesuit Justice and Ecology Network-Africa in 2020, BPE works to ensure that girls receive a quality education that will enable them to earn a living wage and build a secure future. Honono also participated in the student-led Right to Learn Campaign in South Africa, which seeks to ensure access to education for working class communities. She is currently conducting research on the impact of COVID-19 on students, particularly girls, and developing a proposal for a "return-to school" program in South Africa.  

Honono will also be the main speaker at CJI's  3rd Youth for Others Advocacy Symposium scheduled November 15-17. 2023, Saint Paul University in Ottawa.