Defending human rights, building peace

Jesuit community radio gives marginalized communities a voice. Photo: ERIC-Radio Progreso
Honduras is a small country with a population of nine million. It has a history of dependence on foreign countries, mainly the United States. Wealth is concentrated in the hands of a small oligarchic elite and foreign companies; it hinges on the exploitation of natural resources, especially mining, and cheap labour, particularly young women workers in the maquiladoras (tariff-free foreign factories).
Honduras has never managed to take off with an economy of its own. The lives of thousands of young people have been cut short by violence; many have been forced to join one of the criminal or drug trafficking networks. Tens of thousands have taken the uncertain and no less dangerous path that crosses Guatemalan and Mexican territories to reach the United States where they hope to seek refuge and find a job that would allow them to rebuild their lives and send remittances to relatives who remain in Honduras.
In this context of systemic violation of human rights, ERIC (Reflection, Research and Communications Team)- Radio Progreso, as a platform for the social apostolate of the Society of Jesus, analyze and investigate socio-economic realities, denounce and publicize human rights violations, and defend, console, and give hope to victims.
We are nourished by our faith in the communities. We encourage the flood victims, as well as the mothers who mourn their murdered sons and daughters. And we are strengthened by our faith in God who carries the pain of the victims and fills them with hope from the rubble.
For us, international solidarity is a fundamental pillar of our social apostolate. This solidarity not only contributes resources to conduct our work, but also gives us strength and protects us in the face of threats from human rights violators. CJI is undoubtedly one of the closest and most supportive international organizations we work with. It is an organization of sisters and brothers, and hand by hand with them we will continue to sow the seeds of a society where human rights are respected, and all people enjoy equal opportunities to grow with dignity and freedom.