Representatives of the Network of Social Centres during an assembly last February at the Instituto Mayor Campesino in Buga Colombia. Photo: Juan Emilion Hernandez/CJI

Canadian Jesuits International supports the goal of the Jesuit Conference of Provincials of Latin America and the Caribbean (CPAL) to strengthen the capacity of its social centers to advocate for and promote democracy in the region.  

The project will involve the creation of an advocacy network to be led by three Jesuit social centers: Fundación Centro Gumilla (Venezuela),  ERIC-Radio Progreso (Honduras),  and  Centro de Investigación y Educación Popular (Colombia). 

Network members will gather, systematize, and process information, and produce content to help facilitate consensus and advocacy on issues related to democracy in the region. 

The project at a glance:


Direct: 34 social centers that make up the social centers’ network

Indirect:  Young people between 18 to 34 years old in areas where network members exist


$26,908.00 CAD 


  • Advocacy training program for social center teams  
  • Establish alliances with universities and CPAL social centres to conduct relevant research on democracy 
  • Virtual training program on advocacy for social centers 
  • Host an international pro-democracy virtual seminar 
  • Monitor and evaluate advocacy agenda with graduates of CPAL’s Diploma on Citizen Political Formation 


Please support the work of the Network of Jesuit Social Centers  by making a donation: